Monitoring Hard Drives in a Data Center

Understanding how and why hard drives fail by monitoring their behavior

Correlation analyses are too simplistic

Every quarter, Backblaze, a large data storage provider, publishes data relative to the 130,000 hard drives in their data center. Each hard drive's operation is monitored daily and summarized in several SMART metrics. Additionally, Backblaze records whenever a hard drive fails.

To optimize the data center's operation, workers need to know in advance which hard drives are likely to fail. Backblaze has identified five SMART metrics indicating impeding failure from univariate correlation analyses between individual SMART metrics and failure rates, as well as their workers' experience.

Despite being interesting, these findings are overly simplistic and not immediately actionable. What insights can we get using interpretable machine learning models?

Understanding the overall health of a hard drive

More than simple correlation analyses, Optimal Survival Trees displays paths to failure showcasing how, under certain conditions (represented by SMART metrics values), failures are historically more likely to occur. In a single augmented decision tree, we are able to observe the overall behavior of hard drives throughout their life cycle.

Predicting short-term failures

If we are monitoring hard drives on a shorter time scale, for instance in order to schedule maintenance activities, Optimal Classification Trees can predict failures within a fixed time window.

The end model can be easily visualized and understood by non-technical people, without sacrificing performance.

Our work was featured in a recent blog post by Backblaze and we presented the analysis at a webinar hosted by Backblaze.

Unique Advantage

Why is the Interpretable AI solution unique?

  • Detecting interpretable paths to Failure

    Optimal Trees can automatically display paths to failure, as well as healthy behaviors, featuring correlations between several SMART metrics simultaneously

  • Specialized models for specific tasks

    Depending on the question we are trying to answer, e.g. overall health monitoring, or predicting failure within a given fixed time window, we can choose between Optimal Survival Trees and Optimal Classification Trees

  • Adaptable to low data scenarios

    If easily accessible data is scarce and comes from a short time frame, interesting findings can still be found using Interpretable AI’s software modules

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